Thursday, January 24, 2013

Bringing my GAME plan into focus… And the questions…

This week I move closer to implementation of a project based lesson, for advancing the learning experience of my Advanced Placement art students through blog interaction.  The design of this lesson meets ISTE NETS-T Standards 1.d., 2.c, and d. ( Before-Class Preparation includes student access to the blog site that I intend for them to work with, and setting the stage for loading images that they will post for critical reflection by their peers. This follows prior development of fine art imagery, digitizing the works of art, gaining facility in use of methods of critical review in verbal and written critique.  Once an interschool link is established, students are practiced and ready for uploading specific images for peer review, and critique. This plan’s use of technology provides a continuum of sorts from low-tech means of creation and critical evaluation of visual imagery through and to digital and social networking opportunities for interactive dialogue.
The resources that I have in play will be adequate for the present.  They consist of digital cameras, lighting, and associated lighting and imaging equipment, Adobe Photoshop CS6 software loaded onto student and instructor laptops, and management software Netop Vision software ( This software is one that provides the students and instructor with the ability to be flexible interacting with each other, in monitoring student progress, providing reinforcement, resources, and conducting formative and summative assessment as needed for student learning.  
The issues that have come up are in the nature of the blogging experience itself. Because of a desire to limit student dialogue to provide the necessary learning environment, and to provide a safe environment for this active learning experience I have not yet found resolution to the question of how to limit the blog interaction to those students assigned to the task.  Dialogue with PLC peers, and IT personnel have to date provided limited success. The lack of an adequate fix for this concern has raised questions as to what alternatives might bring accomplishment of the student outcomes. Though originally designed to provide flexibility for the students learning experience, the inflexible nature of the use of the technology, and the systems and regulations in place within the school system have made the need for a back-up Plan, or an alternative solution very important. The next step in the process is in finding resolution to the technical issues, or an alternative approach that will still meet the students learning needs.  Therein lies the question that needs answered. Would any of you in my Walden online learning community have a thought, or response that might provide an answer to this dilemma?  I would enjoy hearing from you.